Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Netcomm NF18ACV CLI scripting


My previous two posts have shown how to get stats from the Netcomm gateway using wget, this post shows how to do it using ssh and the gateway's command line interface (CLI).

Friday, 19 April 2019

Getting connection status from NetComm NF18ACV modem/router


In my last post, I showed how to get some stats from the gateway using wget and passing the username / password in plaintext from the command line.

Here I will show how to do this in a slightly more secure manner, and determine whether the Internet connection is up or not.

Sunday, 7 April 2019

Getting stats on command line from NetComm NF18ACV modem / router


I recently bought a new VDSL modem / router when I switched NBN Internet providers.

The model I chose was the NetComm NF18ACV, partly because it has an SNMP agent.

The modem itself works great, except that the SNMP support is rubbish! There are no MIBs available for it, and running an snmpwalk against it reveals only basic info - nothing interesting like the line rate or whether the Internet connection is up or down.

So, I had a crack had getting the information available thorough the GUI from a Linux command line.